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Joyce Bell- Reiki & Energy Healing

Holistic healing, my greatest passion, has lead me to study and practice, Swedish massage, Clinical Aromatherapy, Colour Therapy, Crystal Healing Therapy, Mindfulness and Reiki.

After 26 years teaching and lecturing in psychology, I left this career path to focus full time on healing, setting up my own practice.

Over the last 8 years, it has been my privilege to assist in the healing process of an extensive range of health issues of varying degrees of complexity and witness for myself the power of reiki to transform many lives for the better. 


Reiki- (energy healing and removal of physical , emotional and mental blocks in all areas of the body to assist in achieving optimal health and wellbeing)
Incorporating past-life, energy block healing, crystal therapy, colour therapy, pendulum healing and post treatment advice - 1 hour 45 mins - £90 

Negative energy transmutation of buildings and land- (Negative energy/ phenomenon changed into positive)
A peripatetic service. Price starting at £120 dependant on travelling distance. 

8 week evening chakra cleansing course incorporating - crystals, aromatherapy, colour therapy, nutrition specific to healing each chakra, as well as meditation techniques specific to each chakra. £222

Reiki Healing


Contact Joyce direct to book in with her various services available at Narture Studios, 34 Newmarket Street, Ayr.

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